Soft Landing South America (SLSA)

Soft Landing South America (SLSA)

We would like to present the program Soft Landing South America (SLSA), an initiative to helps your company find new markets in countries of South America.

We would like to have a Virtual meeting (to present myself and talk more about the program.

Soft Landing South America (SLSA) may colaborate with your busines. We would like to help to identify how your technology, products and services would be shared and presente sales in South America.

Acting as a business incubator management in the city of Natal (Northeast of Brazil, Rio Grande do Norte State) we would support with some local actions to your company.

I don’t know if you have some idea about what kind of business we can do together. We would have a meeting?

With esteem,

Prof. Julio Rezende, PhD.
University of Central Florida (UCF) Post-Doc Researcher
Professor of Department of Industrial Engineering
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte UFRN
Telephone: 55 84 99981-8160


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